On 7/05/2010
So boring at school~
cause today a lot teachers didn't come~
may be teacher got something meeting some where else~
so i and my friends go to ERT class and do our work or something else!
after we do our homework finish... we take picture. DAMN Funny lol & DAMN Happy lol!
Picture 1 ❤
My Self~ I still wearing School Shirt! T.T

Picture 2 ❤
with my friends~ 4 lady... haha! XD
EsthER (Me), Zoey, Rachel & Siok Yein~ XD

Siok Yein, Esther (me), Zoey & Rachel

cannot see ar~ my leg!! XD
Zoey, Rachel, EsthER (me) & Siok Yien

Picture 3 ❤
Zoey & EsthER (me)
LOOK! we sleepping our school bed... haha!

Picture 4 ❤
"Zoey & Rachel! u class mana, huh? belah~ haha..."
they eating in front me... i'm so hungry lol~ T.T

she keep eating only... none stop! haiz... later become more fat!
hehe... XD

Picture 5 ❤
Zoey & Rachel... "Leng Lui lel?" keke... XD
Picture 6 ❤
I & Siok Yein~ hehe... is my turn lol! blek~

Picture 7 ❤
Now 3 of us ready~
Rachel act kawaii... i & Zoey act stupid face... haha... XD
AHH~ soBLUR... Xd
Rachel, EsthER (me) & Zoey....
EsthER (Me), Siok Yein & Zoey...
Pcture 8 ❤
hehe... got 2 leng lui here lel! is me & rachel lol~ haha... XD
Picture 9 ❤
Siok Yien & Rachel... XD
wOw~ ah moi sangat cantik~
Picture 10 ❤
Zoey & Rachel ask you to shut up!
Picture 11 ❤

Picture 6 ❤
I & Siok Yein~ hehe... is my turn lol! blek~

Picture 7 ❤
Now 3 of us ready~
Rachel act kawaii... i & Zoey act stupid face... haha... XD
AHH~ so
Rachel, EsthER (me) & Zoey....
EsthER (Me), Siok Yein & Zoey...
Pcture 8 ❤
hehe... got 2 leng lui here lel! is me & rachel lol~ haha... XD
Picture 9 ❤
Siok Yien & Rachel... XD
wOw~ ah moi sangat cantik~
Picture 10 ❤
sangat bising lal! diam diam la wei~
Siok Yien & EsthER (me)
Zoey & Rachel ask you to shut up!
Picture 11 ❤
we cooking lol~ ahaha...
do you want do try? haha... no need to scared!
Rachel & EsthER (me)
feel like wanna kill people and eat you! AHAHAHA~~~
Siok Yein, EsthER (me) & Zoey

Siok Yien, Rachel & Zoey
after we capture! we feel so happy~
after that Zoey realize that her money lose~
Oh, My God~
then we help Zoey find her money... can't found! Haiz~
then she know that malay steal her money~ SOHAI..
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